I've also been viewing anti-Twilight rants on YouTube again. Strangely, I don't get tired of it. For some reason, it fuels not only my passion against nauseatingly horrid writing but also my desire for good literature not only from authors who have taken their place in culture and humanity but from myself.
Yeah, I write, too. I'm also not ashamed to admit I'm not bad at it. Upon watching a video on YouTube about how mean Bella Swan is to her friends (especially in New Moon and Eclipse), I noticed that Bella seems to love to use the word "evil" out of nowhere. I don't like how she uses the word. What is evil anyway? From how I look at it, Lauren Mallory and Jessica Stanley never seemed to have done anything to be called "evil." As the YouTuber had said, anybody who disagrees with her is immediately cast as the bad guy. To me, that's just wrong.
(For reference, see this video. You can check out the rest of the playlist, if you like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBRT1GdG8kk&feature=PlayList&p=C889B504E14888E7&index=24)
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